Have you recently set a new weight management goal, been diagnosed with a new disease where you were informed it is essential to change your eating habits or decided to change a nutrition routine? Then afterwards you notice that the kitchen is even more tempting than it once was. Now is the time to make every opportunity to ensure your success and implement positive kitchen influences by setting up your kitchen to avoid temptations. Below are four strategies to avoid kitchen temptations and maximize your success.


1.Aim to only bring home the items on your grocery list. Whether you go to the grocery store, shop online, or have your groceries delivered, stock your kitchen with nutrient rich staples. Keep your staples visible and easy to access. For example, store fresh fruit and vegetables on the counter, dining room table, or in the front of the refrigerator right at eye level. Keep dried and no salt added beans, vegetables, and lentils, along with nuts, seeds, nut butters, whole grain rice, quinoa, herbs, spices, cooking oils or cooking spray in the pantry. Stock your freezer with frozen fish, poultry, meat, fruits and vegetables and your refrigerator with eggs, yogurt, low fat cheese.


2. Find your motivation. Determine and write down why it is important to you to make these nutrition changes. If needed, create a motivational phrase or an inspirational picture and place it on your refrigerator or inside your cupboards when you are tempted to help keep you on track with your goals. Remember to keep your motivation positive because the more you believe you will succeed, the more likely you will.


3.Portion and prepare meals and snacks ahead of time so you already have a plan for what you will eat. If you do not have a plan in place, refer to the nutrient rich staples and create a well-balanced meal. For example, aim for 3-5 food groups per meal or 1-3 food groups per snack. Create a black bean burrito with lettuce, avocado, tomato, onion, and cheese on a whole grain tortilla. Prepare tuna with whole grain crackers, carrots, hummus, and strawberries. You can even check out ChooseMyPlate recipes that do not require cooking if you are looking for something quick to put together. It may even be worthwhile to put together some freezer meals or a casserole, such as mixed vegetables, onion, lean ground beef, and potatoes. For more tips on healthy cooking methods, consider viewing the blog titled “Learning More About Cooking Methods for Healthy Eating with Diabetes” at Cecelia Health.


4. Work for those temptations. If you like to treat yourself on occasion, keep tempting items out of reach and sight by placing those products in the back of the fridge or cupboard, on higher shelves or in opaque containers. It is perfectly acceptable to incorporate an indulgence in moderation, especially if it helps you to avoid overindulging.


Developing new eating habits can be challenging, but it does not have to be when you set up your kitchen to avoid temptations. Bring home only what is on your grocery list, find your motivation, portion and prepare meals and snacks ahead of time, create balanced meals from kitchen staples, and work for tempting to maximize your success in achieving your goals.