Once the holidays have passed and there are no more leftovers in the fridge or cookies on the countertop, you may find yourself wanting a re-set with healthy eating for the New Year.  Check out these recipes that are quick, easy, filling and nutritious to get you back on track after holiday indulging:


Power Salad 

Bring back the vegetable salads that are often overlooked during holiday gatherings and work them back into your routine! This recipe combines trendy kale salad mix, balanced out with some simple butter lettuce, and some fresh fruit and dried cranberries for sweetness and chopped nuts for a savory crunch. It’s packed full of nutritious power foods like berries, kale and nuts, thus earning its name, Power Salad The tastes and textures work well together, and you can top it with your favorite vinaigrette dressing as well as add grilled chicken or fish for lean protein to make it a complete meal. 
6 cups kale slaw type salad mix (with kale, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli) 
6 cups butter lettuce 
1 cup fresh blueberries 
1 cup chopped apple 
1/4 cup dried cranberries 
1/4 cup chopped nuts, such as pistachios, almonds or walnuts  
vinaigrette dressing of choice 
Put all the ingredients in a large bowl, add dressing, toss and serve.  Chill in the fridge with dressing on the side if not serving immediately. 
Makes 14 cups, about 7 servings 
Serving size 2 cups (without dressing) Calories 85,   Protein 2 g,  Carb 16  g,  Fiber 3 g, Sugars 11 g,  Fat 2 g., Saturated fat 0 g, Sodium  27 mg 


Vegetable Garden Soup 

Soups are a great way to work in extra veggies in your diet, as well as fluids to help fill you up and keep you warm during the winter months. This nutritious soup packed full of a variety of vegetables, is easy to make and is very tasty with few calories. Cook up a batch for healthy meals during the week! 

3/4 cup chopped white onion 
1.5 cups chopped celery 
1.5 cups chopped carrots 
1.5 cups chopped zucchini 
1.5 cups cut green beans 
½ teaspoon garlic powder1 teaspoon dried oregano 
Two 14 ounce cans chicken or vegetable broth 

One 14 ounce can stewed tomatoes 
1 teaspoon olive oil) 
chopped fresh basil (optional, to garnish) 
Put the onions, carrots and celery into large pot coated with1 teaspoon of olive oil and sauté on medium heat until just before tender (about 10 minutes). Put in the rest of the veggies, garlic powder, oregano, canned tomatoes and broth and bring to a light boil. Reduce to low heat and simmer until the veggies are tender, about 10-15 minutes. Stir in chopped basil and serve. 
If you are watching your sodium, you can use low sodium chicken/vegetable broth in place of regular. 
Makes 8 cups, 8 servings 
Serving size: 1 cup:  Calories 50, Protein 2 g, Carb 9 g, Fiber 3 g, Sugars 5 g, Fat 1 g, Saturated fat <1 g, Sodium 570 mg 


Three Bean Salad with Black Eyed Peas and Tomatoes 

Black eyed peas are historically served in the New Year to bring great fortune!  In this recipe they are added to the traditional three bean salad with a tomato garnish.  This dish is super easy to whip up. It can be made ahead of time as well. It is a great choice to make at the end of the holiday season when you may be pretty tired of involved and intense cooking.  Plus, it has plenty of fiber, vitamins, minerals and protein too!   



1 can kidney beans 

1 can garbanzo beans 

1 can black eyed peas 

2 cups cut green beans, fresh or frozen thawed 

1.5 tablespoons olive oil 

1 cup reduced fat Italian or balsamic vinaigrette dressing  

1 teaspoon dried oregano 

salt and pepper to taste 

1 cup halved grape tomatoes (optional) 


Rinse the canned kidney and garbanzo beans and black-eyed peas well and place in a large bowl. Wash and chop the green beans into 1 inch long pieces and cook by either boiling them in a pot of water or steaming in a Pyrex dish in an half inch of water until tender but still slightly firm (about 3-4 minutes). Run the green beans under cold water in a strainer to cool, drain and put in the bowl with the rest of the beans. In a small bowl whisk the dressing, oregano and olive oil together and pour over the beans.  Mix well until evenly coated. Add salt and pepper to taste and place in the fridge to chill and marinate at least 30-60 minutes before serving.  Garnish with the chopped tomatoes 



If you’re watching sodium use low sodium canned beans. 

Makes 6 cups, 12 servings 

 Serving size: 1/2 cup: Calories 130 , Protein 5 g, Carb 22 g, Fiber 6 g, Sugars 5 g, Fat 2.5 g, Saturated fat 0 g, Sodium  290 mg 


Light Chicken Cacciatore 

Try this healthy twist on a traditional Italian favorite, for a high protein, lower fat dish that has plenty of vitamin and minerals from a variety of veggies. A treat served with salad, brown rice or whole wheat pasta, plus it is very easy to make ! 
4 medium sized chicken breasts (about 1 pound) 
2 teaspoons olive oil, divided 
2 red bell peppers, sliced (2 cups) 
½ large white onion, sliced (1 cup) 
2 cups sliced mushrooms 
One 15 ounce can crushed tomatoes 
½ teaspoon garlic powder 
½ teaspoon dried basil 
2 tablespoons capers (optional) 
parmesan cheese (optional for garnish) 
salt and pepper (optional) 
Coat a large non-stick pan/skillet with 1 teaspoon olive oil, add the chicken breasts and brown on medium high heat, about 2-3 minutes each side. Remove from pan and set aside. Add the second teaspoon olive oil, the peppers and onions to the pan and sauté for 3-4 minutes, stirring often until lightly browned and starting to soften. Throw in the mushrooms and half the can of tomatoes and continue to heat, stirring occasionally for another 3-4 minutes. Then add the browned chicken breasts, the basil, the capers, garlic powder and the second half of the canned tomatoes., Rreduce to low-medium heat and simmer, stirring occasionally for about 15 minutes until the chicken is tender and no longer pink inside. Add salt and pepper to taste and garnish with parmesan cheese if desired. 
Makes 4 servings: 
Serving size: ¼ recipe: Calories 230, Protein 29 g, Carb 15 g, Fiber 4 g, Sugars 8 g, Fat 5 g Saturated fat 1 g, Sodium 230 mg, with capers the Carb is 16g and Sodium is 350 mg 


Winter Fruit Salad 

After weeks of heavy and high sugar/fat desserts and baked goods, this light and refreshing salad can be a welcome choice for after dinner, a snack or breakfast. It is a delicious combination of winter fruits, chocked full of fiber, vitamins and minerals.   


1 medium apple (gala, honey crisp, fuji work well) 

1 medium pear 

2 large or three small clementines 

¼ cup pomegranate seeds 

(optional toppings- slivered almonds, shaved coconut or Greek yogurt) 


Wash all the fruit, then core and chop the pear and apple into ½ inch cubes. Peel the clementines, divide into sections and cut each in half.  Put all of the chopped fruit into a medium sized bowl and add the pomegranate seeds and mix well.  Chill if not serving immediately.  Top with slivered almonds, coconut and/or Greek yogurt if desired. 

Makes 4 heaping cups, 4 servings 

 Serving size: A little over 1 cup (not including toppings):  Calories 80,  Protein 1 g, Carb 20  g Fiber 4 g, Sugars 14 g, Fat  0 g, Saturated fat 0g, Sodium 0 mg