The Spring season can bring a whole host of welcome changes…the weather begins to warm up, the hours of daylight increase and colorful flower and trees bloom.  It can also be a great time to re-charge and re-visit lifestyle goals and adopt more positive habits.  Check out these five motivating tips for a healthier Spring season. 


1.Get out and move more 


Late spring and summer bring sunny skies and warmer temperatures, and the perfect opportunity to spend time outdoors to work in more daily physical activity. It’s no secret that exercise is important for maintaining good health.  Physical activity is one of simplest and most effective ways to bring down blood sugar levels, cut the risk of cardiovascular disease, help weight loss, lower stress, increase balance and flexibility and improve sleep. The American Diabetes Association recommends ” a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity exercise per week, spread over at least 3 days with no more than 2 days between sessions for most adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes”.  This may sound like a lot, but there are many outdoor activities that you can use as opportunities to get more exercise! Some fun ways you can meet your activity goal while enjoying outdoor surroundings at the same time include: 


  • Walking and jogging 
  • Enjoying a bike ride 
  • Trying watersports like paddleboarding or kayaking 
  • Going for a hike 
  • Engaging in some outdoor sports like basketball, frisbee, soccer or tennis 
  • Taking your workout like yoga or aerobics outside 


When exercising outdoors be sure to consume adequate fluids, protect your skin with sunscreen and hats and wear comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing.! 


2. Engage in some Spring cleaning and gardening 


Speaking of activity, did you know that everyday activities can count as exercise?!  In fact, many household chores that you do daily can count towards your activity goal. Some ways you can use spring cleaning to get active and healthy while tidying up your surroundings at the same time include: 


  • Vacuuming the house and/or mopping the floors- try to vacuum or mop for at least 10 minutes to get in a third of your daily activity goal 
  • Working outside in your garden/landscaping- achieve your daily activity goal by doing multiple yard activities such as weeding, raking, trimming and cleaning in a timespan of 30 minutes.  Take short breaks to sip water or take a breather if needed. 
  • Handwashing your car- save money, keep your car nice and shiny while also working in activity by washing your car yourself.  Soaping up, rinsing, drying and polishing by hand certainly counts as cardio and you can add some squats when you wash the lower parts like the wheels. 
  • Dusting, scrubbing and wiping surfaces- go room to room to dust and wipe the entire house to maximize your active minutes.  If you don’t have time, break it up by doing a few rooms per session. 
  • Organizing and decluttering- tidying up your living space can be a great way to get in some movement into your day. Sorting, lifting and moving objects gets your heart rate up and your muscles working 

  3. Keep allergies in check 


While the Spring season often brings a welcome change of brighter and longer days as well as sunny and warmer weather, it can also be a tough time for those suffering from seasonal allergies.  Spring allergies do not have to put a damper on your daily life if you take successful steps to recognize and manage them.  


  • Get a proper diagnosis- your health care team can diagnose allergies by 
    • obtaining a personal and medical history- to review symptoms and investigate all  possible causes as well as discuss any family history of allergies
    • completing a physical exam
    • conducting allergy tests-a skin test, a patch test and or blood test may be done to identify which common types of allergies may be causing your symptoms (this will involve referral to an allergy specialist).
  • Take proper lifestyle precautions to help minimize allergens like: 
  • Showering after being outdoors and washing pets frequently too, to remove excess pollen. 
  • Be mindful of hair and skin products like gels, sprays, mousses and oils used on your hair and skin which can make pollen more likely to adhere to your hair and face throughout the day. 
  • Keep windows closed at home and when in the car to minimize pollen inside your home and car which can trigger your allergies. 
  • Talk to your healthcare team about treatment- there are a variety of allergy medications available to help with symptoms and make Spring allergy symptoms more tolerable. 


  4. Feast on seasonal fruits and veggies 


During spring, a whole new collection of delicious produce comes into season! Eating seasonal fruits and veggies is a great way to add to your weekly menus and promote healthy eating.    Below are some seasonal choices to incorporate into your diet to enjoy all of their nutritious benefits, flavor and to add variety to your meals and snacks: 


  • Vegetables- carrots, asparagus, snap peas, arugula, spinach 
  • Fruits- apricots, pineapple, mango, lemons, grapefruit, grapes 


Check out this post for some great recipes! 


5. Get enough sleep 


Even though the days get longer in the Spring and Summer, it is still important to make time for adequate sleep. Getting enough high-quality, restful sleep is key to feeling energized, supporting the immune system and even preventing chronic disease. Some tips for better sleep include: 


  • Be consistent. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning even on weekends. Having a scheduled routine is helpful for getting a restful sleep.    
  • Make having a final cue at night as part of your routine. Have one set thing you do each night before climbing into bed. This helps to settle your brain and prepare yourself for a good night’s rest. Some ideas are a cup of herbal tea, reading a relaxing book or performing simple yoga stretches.  
  • Keep your bedroom dark, quiet and at a comfortable temperature. Turn off electronic devices.  Resist the urge to scroll your phone, play a game on your tablet or watch tv as these all stimulate the brain and will keep you up longer than needed.    
  • Avoid large meals before bed. A good rule is to stop eating at least two hours before laying down. Eating then going right to bed can lead to stomach indigestion and waking up during the night. Keeping your evening meal lighter can prevent gastrointestinal discomforts.    
  • Include exercise during your day. Being physically active during the day can help you fall asleep more easily at night. Avoid exercising in the evening too close to your bedtime as this may make it harder to fall asleep.    
  • If you wake at night to use the bathroom, try cutting off fluids several hours before bed.   
  • Avoid caffeine or alcohol before bed as these can stimulate you and keep you up.  
  • Take a few minutes before bed and do a brief meditation whether it’s sitting silently taking a couple deep breaths or doing a more internal reflection to relax yourself. This can be helpful in trying to relax your mind to drift off to sleep.